went for a hair cut after that. lol as usual. its short again. very short. but i actually dont mind. hahahah. doesnt really matter to me. all that matters is she loves it =] after that went back home to take a bath and all. went to times square. heard that leng and sian hoo was working there. lol. the lift there stinks like hell-- and ppl there are seriously fucked up. looking at chi one kind. doing those fucked up noises. seriously la. u ppl no life just fucking go die la diu. cuut cuut ppl for fucks ah. sohai. == spoiled my mood for the day. had sushi king with baby for our break time. we had Boobs, Balls, and Brains! hahahaha. i'm not sure is ya'll understand wad i mean. but hahaha. laughed alot there til ppl think we're crazy. after that met up with sian hoo for break. went to this stall. sat down. they advertise small bowl of asam laksa rm3.50. sian hoo wanted big one. asked how much. 8.50. he straight away say. sorry ah. rushing. no time. char dou== hahahahha. so went another stall to have his so called dinner. after that went to see leng. and her costume. hahahahah its hilarious. but kinda pity her though. she gets 200 bucks a day though. good job. just that u gotta wear that funny looking thing. i dont really have the pictures with me now. will upload soon once i get it from gf*. after that went back home. rest and fell asleep. was dead tired. rest til 10.30. sian hoo came over. decided to go to williams for dinner. ate and ate. lol. send baby back home. and thats it. hahaha. here are the pictures~~~~
only have one for now.
more to come!xD
p/s: i actually had fun today. despite we didnt really do much. i'm really happy that we spent time together. cause now. our time together are limited. we'll see each other less. but i promise you this. i will never stop loving u more and more each day. because everytime i'm with you. you take my breathe away xD you make me happy. cheer me up. take care of me. u do so much for me and yet i dont know what i've done in return. i just hope ur happy being with me. i love you =] and i'll cherish every moments and memories we have together always.