Friday, November 21, 2008

my birthday/ birthday suprise for baby??=]

Lunch @ paddington pancake


baby girl's

mine xD

ice hockey / pool / foos while waiting for joel and mel.
which were later for more than an hour!!!!! lol

snap snap*

watched madagascar 2 with baby only cause we couldnt wait for them any longer.
awited from 3 til 4.30 without a call or msg. and finally before we enter the cinema. they finally calls us. lol met up with them after our movie. played some more pool. after dat we went back home to get ready for dinner.

suprise party for my baby girl xD
she had no idea there were gonna be so many ppl. lol.

foos and pool at breakers after the dinner**
busy busy busy. planning other ppl's transports--

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