Tuesday, January 6, 2009

sian hoo's 19th birthday!

dinner at bbq plaza*
has been months since i last went there. hahahah.
finally got to go there.
this time we cooked with our great chef lim sue ann and tan win ern! izit tan?? correct ar??xD
joined by maine and eng eu not long after.

open your mouth!! ahhhhhhh!!!``

eng eu & maine*

our baked pan thanks to win ern and sue ann*
looks like some pizza in this picture actually xD

birthday boy & the girls*

outside of rasta waiting for everyone to come.
was kinda bored so took lotsa pictures??xD

i know i ve li cute xD

lala pose with sue baby and win ern xD

chi & maine

sh's dinosaur that's so dam cute!!xD
and irwan and lui*

group pictures*

outside a club at soho kl*

+ Mr. birthday boy

plus boyfriends* xD

sherman+ sian hoo+ jacob+ shermaine+ alice*

place we celebrated both our new year's eve and also Mr. Tan Sri Tan Sian Hoo!!

baby girl and me*

eng eu and maine*

group pictures*

drunktard monkey sherman*


Happy Birthday Sian Hoo!!

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